WEE-Women Entrepreneurs Enclave Celebrates World Yoga Day And Health Conclave

WEE-Women Entrepreneurs Enclave Celebrates World Yoga Day And Health Conclave

June 27, 2019 Off By admin

    WEE’s annual Event on 21st June was graced by “Mrs. Shweta Shalini, BJP Spokesperson and Advisory to Chief Minister of Maharashtra who was Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker. Mrs. Shweta Shalini congratulated Chaitali Chatterjee, Chairperson of WEE for doing such a great job of bringing all women entrepreneurs together and giving them superb platform for their business growth. She also spoke about importance of Yoga. The Guest Speakers for the Event were Mrs. Nandita Puri, Chairperson of Om Puri Foundation who gave “Tips to manage Health during busy schedule”. Mrs. Neelam Kumar, Best-selling author of 9 books and Cancer Crusader, spoke about “Importance of Cancer Screening”. A wonderful music session, “Healing through Music” was conducted by World renowned Violonist Ms. Sunita Bhuyan. Other sessions like “Heal with colours” and “Interactive Yoga session” and “Peri Menaupaus to Menopause” were conducted by WEE members. WEE members also came over as Panellists for sessions on “Fitness & Lifestyle” and “Beauty & Wellness”. https://www.facebook.com/WEenclave/ ]]>