Sandeep Marwah Included In World Book Of Records London

Sandeep Marwah Included In World Book Of Records London

July 24, 2021 Off By admin

Dubai: Renowned media person Sandeep Marwah president of Marwah Studios and founder of Noida Film City gets included in the World Book of Records London for being founder of Noida Film City-the fastest growing film city in the World.

“It was in December 1986 I submitted the project to UP Government. December 1987 the film city got its clearance from the state capital Lucknow and !988 allotments were made. Government gave us three years’ time to build up the infra structure and to come into production. We were originally six, then twelve and now total sixteen players in film city,” recollected Sandeep Marwah while narrating the story of making of Film City in North India.

“We have gone through tough times. There was no culture of cinema and film production. It has been thirty years we are managing the film city with our own resources and efforts. Today we have created a World Record,” added Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and founder of Noida Film City.

Now Noida Film City is the fastest growing film city in the World. 100 acre complex 75 outdoors and 25 indoors. There are 16 players and 350 channels are being broadcast from these studios to 162 countries 24 by 7. Around 17000 media professionals are working from here in 3 shifts of eight hours each- is the World Record now. The cascading effect is that around hundred thousand people are earning their bread because of film city.

The Record certificate was presented to Sandeep Marwah on his official visit to Dubai by Dr Jitendra Matlani Vice President World Book of Records in a function at Hotel Oberoi at Business Bay Dubai UAE. Dr Sandeep Marwah was congratulated by Shri Santosh Shukla, Supreme court Advocate (President & CEO World Book of Records) and many dignities present there.

World Book of Records is one of the leading organizations in international certification. Its primary objective and goal is to Records, Honour, Listing and appreciate, authenticate and adjudicate events which can be termed as activities of world standard. Since its inception in the year 2017 it has spread its wings and it is working with global presence in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.